
Veterans Memorial Gardens & Interpretive Centre Work of Others

Internment Canada: www.internmentcanada.ca
Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund



In World War One, Canada had designated over 8,500 people as "enemy aliens'.

They were stripped of their meagre possessions, sentenced to hard labour building national parks Like Jasper and Banff. They were subjected to censorship, suffered horrible living conditions and were often hungry.

Why were these people rounded up?

Because of where they were born.

Men, women and children in labour camps, building the Canadian National Parks system and roads.

Here are the first season of stories of Internment as told by Armistice Films in conjunction with the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund:

Veterans Memorial Gardens & Interpretive Centre

is being created and operated by

The Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association: motorcycletourism.ca

Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved

Location & Contact:

 The Veterans Memorial Gardens & Interpretive Centre

10121-93 St.

Grande Prairie, Alberta, T8V 2X3

Email: exec.director@motorcycletourism.ca

Phone: (780) 933-0182


Hours of operation:

Sept - June

Thurs, Sat & Sun 10am to 1:30pm

July & August

Tues - Sun 10am to 6pm


With the participation of the Government of Canada.

 The Government of Alberta

 Travel Alberta