
VMG Program Testimonials

Letter of Support from the Grande Prairie Public School Division

Grande Prairie Public School Division's Assistant Superintendent in charge of Curriculum wrote the letter you see here. We are gratified that all of the work the Loyal Edmonton Regiment Museum staff and researchers did to create these amazing kits!

The Teachers of Swanavon School were the first to take our courses to their students. We are gratified to see that the hard work so many have put in paid off as the children thoroughly enjoyed learning about our regional military history and how we fit into the larger picture of Canada in War and Peace.

Operation Northwest Alberta Soldier

Veterans Memorial Gardens & Interpretive Centre

is being created and operated by

The Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association: motorcycletourism.ca

Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved

Location & Contact:

 The Veterans Memorial Gardens & Interpretive Centre

10121-93 St.

Grande Prairie, Alberta, T8V 2X3

Email: exec.director@motorcycletourism.ca

Phone: (780) 933-0182


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With the participation of the Government of Canada.

 The Government of Alberta

 Travel Alberta