Victory Gardens, what are they?
From the Canadian Encyclopedia:
"While victory gardening occurred during both world wars, there is far less research on the practice during the First World War. Nonetheless, it’s clear that “war gardening,” as it was more commonly known, was widely promoted throughout the First World War by both the Canadian government and the media as a patriotic form of wholesome leisure. Indeed, the basic idea behind victory and First World War-era war gardening was much the same: the more produce that could be grown by Canadians in their front yards, vacant lots and former flower gardens, the more food, soldiers and munitions that could be shipped to Canada’s allies overseas. This was because not only did victory gardening help to meet existing export commitments, but it also freed railcars and transport trucks to move other strategic goods instead of food. That victory garden produce was also part of a healthy diet according to the newly created Canada’s Official Food Rules (1942) — the precursor to Canada’s Food Guide — was simply an added bonus." (Victory Gardens)
Our version of Victory Gardens will be made out of pallets and look similar to the one below but be planted with potatoes and vegetables along with flowers to enrich the soil and prevent pests. Each family that wishes to participate may decorate their garden pallets in their own style - keeping the theme military or Victory based.
We have 50 pounds of seed potatoes that have been donated by the city of Grande Prairie to help everyone get started and Heritage Farms has some Tomato Plants to offer us and then the Gardening Club of Grande Prairie and the Grande Prairie Garden Nerds have also agreed to help us out with raspberry canes, rhubarb and many other wonderful fruits and vegetables.
To get involved in our Victory Gardens Project for Food Security email our Executive Director, Renee Charbonneau: or call Renee at (780) 933-0182
Veterans Memorial Gardens & Interpretive Centre
is being created and operated by
The Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association:
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