
Adapted from guidelines developed by the Canadian War Museum

Each kit will be quarantined for a minimum of 9 days between schools


Choose the scenario that works best in the context of your school and classroom

Many activities in the kits can be easily adapted to minimize touching—though handling materials does engage students, asking questions, describing objects, and emphasizing what the students see by displaying the artifacts clearly for them, are all helpful to maximize the enrichment experience.


Scenario 1: No handling of objects by students

Recommended for schools with strict physical distancing and material sharing protocols.

Find a place in your classroom to display the contents of the kits to create a classroom



Scenario 2: Minimal handling

Recommended for schools with strict physical distancing and material sharing protocols.

Designate one person (such as the teacher) to manipulate all the objects on behalf of

the students, remembering to describe how the object feels. Help the students imagine

feeling the object (is it scratchy, smooth, heavy, light, etc). If working with a small class,

you could assign each student one object that they can handle for the duration of the

loan period, becoming an expert in that object.


Scenario 3: Small Group Handling

Recommended for schools with small group cohorts and strict material sharing


If the class is already organized into small groups, you can assign one or two objects

from the kit to each group. Remind students to wash their hands before and after

handling the objects.


Scenario 4: Regular Student Handling

Recommended for schools with relaxed distancing and material sharing protocols.

Use the kit as best suits your class’s needs and emphasize hand washing before and

after handling objects in the kit. Note: not all objects can be cleaned, which is why we

will quarantine the kits for nine days between loans.


Note: not all objects can be cleaned, which is why we will quarantine the kits for nine days between loans.

Veterans Memorial Gardens & Interpretive Centre

is being created and operated by

The Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association: motorcycletourism.ca

Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved

Location & Contact:

 The Veterans Memorial Gardens & Interpretive Centre

10121-93 St.

Grande Prairie, Alberta, T8V 2X3

Email: exec.director@motorcycletourism.ca

Phone: (780) 933-0182


Hours of operation:

Sept - June

Thurs, Sat & Sun 10am to 1:30pm

July & August

Tues - Sun 10am to 6pm


With the participation of the Government of Canada.

 The Government of Alberta

 Travel Alberta